Disclosure of Interests
Generally speaking, if you hold or are (or your company holds or is) taken to be interested in 5% or more in the Units in Hui Xian REIT by virtue of the deemed application of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”), notification obligations will arise in relation to your or your company’s interest (and certain short positions) in Units and certain changes relating to that. There are also notification obligations applicable to Hui Xian Asset Management Limited (the “Manager”) and its directors.
If you are in any doubt about the requirements regarding notification of interests or short positions in Units, you should seek professional advice.
How to make the notification
The forms for notification of interests or short positions in Units in Hui Xian REIT are the standard forms prescribed by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) for the purposes of Part XV of the SFO. The standard forms for notifications could be obtained from the HKExnews website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEx”) at http://www.hkexnews.hk. The “Disclosure of Interests” page may be reached by clicking “Disclosure of Interests” under the heading “Shareholding Disclosures”. The HKExnews website also contains directions and instructions for completion of the standard forms for notifications. Investors are also recommended to visit the front page of HKExnews website and read the information contained or made available thereat, including but not limited to the disclaimer of HKEx and/or its subsidiaries.
In addition, investors are suggested to consult their own professional advisers on how to complete the forms for notifications. References in the forms, directions and instructions to shares in the listed corporation should, where the context so admits, be read as references to Units in Hui Xian REIT.
Please note that the Manager is not in a position to advise you on how to fill in the notifications forms or answer queries on individual cases.
How to submit the forms for notification to the Manager
In addition to submitting notifications to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited / HKEx, investors should submit the duly completed forms for notifications to the Compliance Manager of the Manager by fax (fax no.: (852) 2121 1138 or by e-mail ([email protected]). Investor(s) will receive a confirmation from the Manager after the notification has been properly received.
Notifications received by the Manager
Certain information contained in the notifications pursuant to the Trust Deed with respect to interests in Units in Hui Xian REIT received by the HKEx has been or will be published on the HKExnews website. Please refer to the “Disclosure of Interests” page of the HKExnews website as mentioned above.
Certain information contained in notifications with respect to interests in Units in Hui Xian REIT has been and will be published by the HKEx on the “Disclosure of Interests” page of the HKExnews website as mentioned above. The Manager takes no responsibility for the contents of any such notifications or the information so published or made accessible, makes no representation as to their accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon such notifications or information published, made accessible or to be published and/or made accessible on such website.
Under the Trust Deed, if a person who has a duty of disclosure under the Trust Deed fails to make notification in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed, irrespective of whether that person is a Unitholder or not, the Units in which that person is (or is deemed to be) interested in (the “Relevant Units”) shall be subject to any or all of the following actions which: (a) if the person interested in the Relevant Units is a person other than the Manager, the Manager; or (b) if the person interested in the Relevant Units is the Manager, the Trustee, may, in its absolute discretion, take in respect of any or all of the Relevant Units:
(a) declare that the voting rights attached to any or all of the Relevant Units to be suspended (and, upon such declaration, such voting rights shall be suspended for all purposes in connection with Hui Xian REIT);
(b) suspend the payment of any distributions in respect of any or all of the Relevant Units (and, upon such suspension, any such distributions shall be retained in a trust account in the name of the Trustee (as trustee of Hui Xian REIT) pending the application of such distributions);
(c) impose an administrative fee of up to HK$0.10 per Relevant Unit for each day of non-compliance from the date on which disclosure is due to be made by the person; and/or
(d) suspend registration and/or decline to register any transfer of part or all of the Relevant Units,
until the relevant notification requirements are fully complied with to the satisfaction of the Manager or the Trustee, as the case may be.
Under the Trust Deed, each Unitholder and all persons claiming through or under him (including, without limitation, each participant in Central Clearing and Settlement System and to whose account any Units are for the time being credited by Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited) expressly acknowledge and agree to the grant of the rights and powers set out above to the Manager and the Trustee and agree to be bound by any action taken by the Manager or the Trustee (as the case may be) pursuant to the provisions of the Trust Deed in good faith.